How to reduce spacing between lines in word 2013
How to reduce spacing between lines in word 2013

how to reduce spacing between lines in word 2013

When the comment is to long to fit on one line, it wraps as expected but there is too much space between the lines. Double line spacing is inserting two empty lines between each line. Some of the mass times have a comment below the mass time. Step 2: Click in the document body, then press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select everything. Single line spacing is inserting one empty line between each line.

how to reduce spacing between lines in word 2013

Step 1: Open the document with the line spacing you want to change. Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10 on Xubuntu 20.04.3 and very infrequently on Win2K/XP. The steps in this article were performed in the Microsoft Word for Office 365 version of the program, but will work in most other versions as well. Format / Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Line Spacing, select Proportional from the dropdown and enter the figure you require in the input box.


How to Reduce Line Spacing if Microsoft Word Line Spacing is Too Big Our guide below will show you how to reduce the line spacing for a document in Microsoft Word. It may seem tedious to change the line spacing in an existing document, but Word has an option that lets you quickly select the entire document, then adjust the line spacing for everything. One of the more common changes involves the line spacing. If your school, job, or organization has document formatting requirements, then it’s possible that you will need to make some changes when writing a document in Microsoft Word.

how to reduce spacing between lines in word 2013

This article continues below with additional information and pictures of the steps. Select the Line and Paragraph Spacing button.Click inside the document, then press Ctrl + A to select everything. Watch this video and learn to change Line Spacing in Microsoft® Word 2013 document on a Windows® 7-based PC.ShortsContent in this video is provided on an 'a.Use these steps to make document line spacing smaller. If you want the lines to be closer together, you can choose a smaller value like 0.9.If you are coming from a different version of Microsoft Word, or if you are used to a different word processor, then the Microsoft Word line spacing may be too big. For example, choosing Multiple and changing the spacing to 1.2 will make the text slightly more spread out than single-spaced text. This option lets you type the number of lines of spacing you want. Part of the Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft Word serves as a basic word processing program - virtually no business is exempt from the need for word. However, if you have different sizes of text on the same line, the spacing will expand to fit the larger text. How to Reduce Line Spacing in Microsoft Word.

how to reduce spacing between lines in word 2013

Like the Exactly option, this option lets you choose how many points of spacing you want. For example, if you're using 12-point text, you could use 15-point spacing. Generally, the spacing should be slightly larger than the font size. When you choose this option, the line spacing is measured in points, just like font sizes. Decreasing the value will squeeze the space between lines. Increasing the value will widen the space between lines. With the text selected, right click and type in your desired value in the Text Lines Spacing/Squeezing in the floater menu. You'll then have a few additional options you can use to customize spacing: Double click the label you wish to adjust. To adjust spacing with more precision, select Line Spacing Options from the menu to access the Paragraph dialog box. Your line spacing options aren't limited to the ones in the Line and Paragraph Spacing menu.

How to reduce spacing between lines in word 2013